Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Too close windows

(Posted on a special request)

She said to me in a very dull tone, "ooh, these windows".
I wondered what about them. I had them in my room too. Real good that one was and then there were a few on the other wall too. They were windows of a different kind, they were posters.
I didn't hear from her again for some time. I got worried and asked if things were right.
She replied, "oh, yes, I just had been to close the windows".

I asked her "Are they far off now?"

"What ?" she asked.

"Oh the windows, they were too close. I hope they are far away now", I said.

Ohh what a pity I thought. I understand very well, that close relatives could be a pain, but close windows, ooh that would be such a pain. Why if you ask, I would rather ask you "Would that be any fun?".

Well, NO right ? Windows should be far off, just imaagine them being next to you all the time, that would invade into your privacy. You would then need curtains and what use are windows which are curtained !! It is better not to have them at all then.

The fun is in walking to the window and looking out. There is no fun at all if they are so close that one is always looking out. Everything would then be a window.

"Yes", I agreed.

"What?" she asked me again.

Tag: Literature Prose

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