Saturday, December 29, 2007

Blogspot displays incorrect time stamps

What time did I write this post? Blogspot/Blogger is reporting incorrect time! For the last two posts, the timestamp was behind the actual time by around 20-30 minutes. Google though is reporting the correct time.

What is going on?

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Movies over the internet

Apple's decision to take on Netflix, Blockbuster and others, with their online movie viewing business plan sounds interesting.

While reading about this development, I learnt (btw, Google thinks that 'learned' is the correct word and not 'learnt'!) about a new web online movie download web portal. Undoubtedly all such ideas are built on the primary assumption that the viewer has a very good internet connection. Anyway, here is a list of the many ways one can watch a movie on via the internet:

  1. Youtube
  2. Google Videos
  3. Internet Archive

  1. Netflix
  2. Jaman

UI Talk:

BTW I liked Jaman's UI for helping the viewer select a movie. As shown in the screenshot, one has to move the various sliders and depending on that, movies are recommended.

I don't know how they classify their movies. Most probably after watching a movie, the viewer is asked to judge it. A viewer can of course intentionally provide the wrong ratings, but what is the chance that the majority of Jaman's paying customers will do that?

The next step would definitely be to add a rating and recommendation system as Amazon has in place.

Netflix on the other hand has a simple UI.

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Linux and 'screenshot' Applications

I had to again search for ways to take a screen shot in Linux while working on a blog post. A quick google revealed the following ways to take a screen shot in Linux (primarily these methods work on Gnome, I will add newer methods for KDE as I find them):

  1. Using PrintScreen button (alt+printscreen for the active window only)
  2. Using ImageMagick (from command line)
  3. Using Scrot (from command line)
  4. Using 'gnome-panel-screenshot' (for Gnome)
  5. Using ksnapshot (for KDE)
  6. Using Gimp
  7. Using Firefox web browser extension - Snapper
  8. Using Firefox web browser extension - ScreenGrab

How to Take a Screenshot in Linux (Ubuntu)
How to Take a Screenshot in Linux (GNOME) Revisited
Taking Screenshots with Linux

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