Sunday, January 21, 2007

Historical Note

So shall it be noted, that on the 21 of January, 2007 at 13:04 hours, the city of Fairfax, VA had its first snowfall for this winter.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Two 21 winds

It happened at last. The wind made its way into my room shattering the glass panels. I used many devices as I grew up to keep it out of my room and every time it had come knocking, begging to be let inside, I flatly refused it.

Every man has his room and so would I. It screeched, howled and spoke at lengths to me. But I persisted, every man has his own persistence and so did I.

We ended up speaking so much with each other, that I started looking forward to meet it. I would wait for it to knock and bang on my windows. As one eager child waiting for his Dad to get back home from work, I would leave every thing which I might be involved in, and would rush to the window to hear it speak.

At last it managed to convince me. To my credit, it took two winds to convince me. And they were not just any winds, they were the catch 21 winds (in a catch 22, one has two options, while in a catch 21 situation, (which is as you would have already noted, one less than 22) one has to choose just one option).

These two winds teamed up and convinced me at last that I should let them in so that they could explain everything to me. I had always been very curious and I really wanted to know. So I did let them in.

It was then that I realized that I had never asked them any question. What then would they explain to me? Well, it was too late, I had already decided to let them in. They broke the glass panes and came in.

I waited for them to settle down. They finally did settle down but did not speak anything.

Well..I said, so what is it?

"The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, The answer is blowing in the wind" they said.

(c) Deapesh.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

TED Conferences - II

Found that TED conferences has an interesting blog here and the video/audio files can be found here.

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TED Conferences

Thanks to Kiran T, that I was made aware of these brilliant short presentations from renowned people. The presentations I am talking of are of the presenters in TED conferences.

From their website, they describe this annual gathering as:
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an invitation-only event where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration.

Some of the videos are available on Google Videos. Listen to a great talk by Richard Dawkins about how we perhaps have been evolved to live and rational in the middle world.

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Subject - Biography

Just as we have different subjects such as languages, social sciences, science, maths etc in schools, we should also have biographies as a subject. Every year students can learn about some great people. I guess students won't have this subject for all the 10 years or so of school life, but having such a subject during the formative years will indeed be valuable.

Who then will the students read about? Here the state and the education board will have a say. Such a scheme is prone to political/religious propaganda by the state/government, but then there is no other way. Surely depending on which government is in power, the definition of 'great people' will change.

Nevertheless, I think it will have a considerable impact on the students and will help shape their personality.

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Another year passes while another starts.
Time you old friend and enemy, what do you hide for me in the folds of your robes?

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